Frames of butter presents with love,

Wedding Shop

We Love Celebrating, and

We Celebrate Love.

This is a long prepped project and we are so happy to introduct to all of you - The Wedding Shop! Weddings have always been our favorite at Frames of Butter. Both our co-founders have worked in the wedding industry passionately, and have been dreaming of getting married (also very passionately 😆 )

We love everything about weddings, the planning, the decor, the staionery, the every little detail, the people, what they stand for.. and how magical they could be. We have a lot to share, and a lot of love that pours into this collection, and this is only the beginning of it.

Pphotography by Milk and Honey Studio / Floral by The Florist Taipei / Gown from Honey Suckle Atelier / Hair and Makeup by Eva Chi