Good Island 果嶼熱紅酒 + 馬克杯 $690 TWD


Good Island 果嶼熱紅酒 + 馬克杯

Frames of Butter

Good Island 果嶼熱紅酒 + 馬克杯

Sale price$690 TWD Regular price$820 TWD
Save 16%





  • 果嶼熱紅酒香料包一包並自由搭配馬克杯一個
  • 內容物:
    •  黑糖果物風味:臺灣蔗香黑糖、臺灣金鑽鳳梨片、臺灣古坑柳橙片、臺灣南投蘋果、臺灣杭菊、臺灣洛神
    • 台灣產地果物果乾
    • 風味特色花草
    • 手炒黑糖
  • 關於果嶼:
    • 果嶼始終堅持「以農為根,以果為本」的理念,專注研發天然、健康的果製品。每一件產品都源自與台灣小農的緊密合作,每一口都能品嚐到大地的養分與陽光的清新。 果嶼使用簡單而純粹的原料,不添加任何化學成分,100%無添加的果乾、天然手工熬製的果醬,以及融入特色花草的果乾水,為身體提供所需的天然美味


  • 紅酒包
    • 25公分 x 13.1公分 x 12.3公分(±2mm)
  • 馬克杯依選擇的款式而不同


  • 步驟1|加入450ml - 700 ml紅酒至鍋內
  • 步驟2|加入果嶼熱紅酒香料包,您也可以依喜好加入新鮮水果(記得取出袋內乾燥劑)
  • 步驟3|以中火加熱至紅酒微微冒泡的微滾狀態後關火
  • 步驟4|蓋上鍋蓋悶住5-8分鐘,您可依照喜好程度調整悶蓋時間(悶愈久,香氣愈足,但酒氣愈減)
  • 步驟5|裝杯飲用,一杯熱呼呼的熱紅酒就完成囉!


  • 因拍攝燈光以及每個螢幕的不同,會有不同程度的色差。由於手工測量產品,尺寸存在約1-1.5cm 誤差;數據僅供參考,請以實物為準

Shipping & Returns

Products in stock:

Products that are in stock will be shipped within 1-3 business days after we receive the order and payment confirmation.

Estimated delivery time
About 2-3 business days for domestic area;
About 3-5 business days for outer islands
About 5-15 business days for foreign areas.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the delivery time limit may be delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, your patience is very much appreciated.

Pre-ordered products:

About 7-21 business days after the order is being placed. The updated time will be listed on each product's page directly.

Customized products:

About 7-10 business days after the order is being placed. Delays might happen when we are overload, and we apologize the inconvenience in advance!

The above order processing and delivery operations are from Monday to Friday, excluding national and weekly holidays. The actual delivery date and logistics delivery operation time shall prevail. You can also enter the "shipment tracking number" provided in the order to the corresponding logistics company to check the delivery status of the package: SF exrpess/POST OFFICE/7-11 E-tracking/EMS

Shipping & Returns

Products in stock:

Products that are in stock will be shipped within 1-3 business days after we receive the order and payment confirmation.

Estimated delivery time
About 2-3 business days for domestic area;
About 3-5 business days for outer islands
About 5-15 business days for foreign areas.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the delivery time limit may be delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, your patience is very much appreciated.

Pre-ordered products:

About 7-21 business days after the order is being placed. The updated time will be listed on each product's page directly.

Customized products:

About 7-10 business days after the order is being placed. Delays might happen when we are overload, and we apologize the inconvenience in advance!

The above order processing and delivery operations are from Monday to Friday, excluding national and weekly holidays. The actual delivery date and logistics delivery operation time shall prevail. You can also enter the "shipment tracking number" provided in the order to the corresponding logistics company to check the delivery status of the package: SF exrpess/POST OFFICE/7-11 E-tracking/EMS

Our Product

Actual product color may vary from the images shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors. We make every effort in providing as accurate information as possible in regard to the product sizing and dimensions. However, Due to manual measurement of the product, the sizing may vary slightly(1-1.5cm). The information on the website is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

Our Product

Actual product color may vary from the images shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors. We make every effort in providing as accurate information as possible in regard to the product sizing and dimensions. However, Due to manual measurement of the product, the sizing may vary slightly(1-1.5cm). The information on the website is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

Giving Back

We are in the process of the application for working with i=change, more details coming soon!

Giving Back

We are in the process of the application for working with i=change, more details coming soon!

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