extra buttery stuff

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From Our Frames to Yours: How is your first half of 2024?
Healthy Living

From Our Frames to Yours: How is your first half of 2024?

Can you believe we're already halfway through 2024? We bet you guys have amazing memories to recall.
2024 Spring Interns
Intern Programs

2024 Spring Interns

Hi! We are excited to offer intern spots for the opportunity to learn, work with, and contribute to our team from April to June 2024. While this internship is unpaid, selected candidates will have...
Welcome, 2024!

Welcome, 2024!

在我們與 2023 年告別之際,試著讓自己延續、產生更多對生活的熱忱是迎接新年的一大要事。 如同以往,在接下來的日子裡,好事和壞事都必然會發生。我們都可能愛上意外走進生命中的人、或在感情裡受傷、可能慢慢養成新的好習慣、或終於戒斷不好的嗜好。正因我們有在認真生活,所以任何事都有可能發生,它們都是我們在時間長河裡走過而掀起的漣漪。 這些用心設計的手機桌布,是 Team Butter 送給你的...
Five Activities for A Fun Stay-at-home Halloween

Five Activities for A Fun Stay-at-home Halloween

Boo! October’s here, and that means spooky season has arrived yet again. Having trick-or-treating as a tradition, you might think Halloween can only be fun when you walk out of your house, with a ...
Sun-Kissed Celebrations: How to Host the Dreamiest Summer Picnic

Sun-Kissed Celebrations: How to Host the Dreamiest Summer Picnic

It's that enchanting time of the year once again when the sun shines bright, the cicadas serenade us with their cheerful symphony, and there's a sense of endless possibility in the warm summer air...
20 Things I Learned in University

20 Things I Learned in University

Welcome on board to the next journey of your student life! In university, you will see things you’ve never seen, hear things you’ve never heard, try out things you’ve always wanted to try out. You...
2023 Spring Interns
Intern Programs

2023 Spring Interns

Hiii! We are excited to offer 1-2 intern spots for the opportunity to learn, work with, and contribute to our team from April to June 2023. This internship is unpaid. However, the selected candidat...
Special Holiday Wreath Workshop

Special Holiday Wreath Workshop

8 Movies (shows) for Your Valentine's Shenanigans

8 Movies (shows) for Your Valentine's Shenanigans
