客製化玻璃聖誕球 | 金莎金
personalized gold glitter bauble
Bauble GIft Box
客製化玻璃聖誕球 | 金莎金
客製化玻璃聖誕球 | 金莎金

Frames of Butter

客製化玻璃聖誕球 | 金莎金

優惠售價$680 TWD
字體樣式:字體 A

裝飾聖誕樹的時間到了!今年用Frames of Butter 最熱門的客製化聖誕球,不管是為家中的聖誕樹裝飾,或是作為完美的節日禮物,都會是最獨一無二的回憶!讓這個閃閃發光的客製化玻璃聖誕球裝飾點亮你的聖誕樹吧!


  • 此為客製化商品
  • 以吹製玻璃手工打造,每一顆都是獨一無二的藝術品
  • 每顆聖誕球皆附Frames of Butter 品牌吊牌,並放置於精美盒子裡,方便收納或送禮
  • 為了方便收納及送禮,每個盒子的底部都貼有客製化名字標籤
  • 使用我們的禮盒組,打造獨特的精美禮物吧
  • 由我們的聖誕小精靈們以愛與魔法手工製作


  • 字數限制:最多18個英文字母(包含空格)
  • 此客製化商品無法進行退貨/退款,請檢查是否輸入正確拼寫和大小寫的文字。任何非英文字符將無法被使用。書寫體客製化字體建議第一個字母使用大寫,將會更美觀、易讀。(第一個字母大寫,其餘字母小寫)更多客製化商品須知請繼續往下閱讀
  • 請注意:因尺寸和設計之考量,字的大小將會依照內容長短被調整成合適的大,小建議在決定前先參考照片中商品設計排版
  • Frames of Butter 設計團隊將秉持著最高標準精神為大家設計客製化內容,文字有問題也會與您確認,製作前會確保每項產品為我們心目中最漂亮的樣式,如擔心不符合預期者請斟酌購買


  • 直徑10cm(4”)裝飾品


  • 玻璃
  • 金屬


  • 因拍攝燈光以及每個螢幕的不同,會有不同程度的色差。由於手工測量產品,尺寸存在約1-1.5cm 誤差;數據僅供參考,請以實物為準
  • 此商品之製作含為手工製程,在製造過程中,裝飾品上會出現接縫並可能有微小的氣泡,因此每件商品皆會有細微差別
  • 我們為活動/派對提供定制服務優惠,訂購數量10件起,歡迎聯繫我們詢問
  • 此客製化商品下單後約7-10個工作天,除訂單量大時另行通知,到貨後同現貨出貨時間寄送。有關更多信息,請查看我們的FAQ
  • 訂單的出貨日期將依購物車中製作時間最長的商品來計算。如需提前收到商品,建議將不同製作時間的商品分開下單
  • 此商品易碎,請小心輕放。此裝飾品非玩具,請放置於兒童接觸不到的地方

Shipping & Returns

Products in stock:

Products that are in stock will be shipped within 1-3 business days after we receive the order and payment confirmation.

Estimated delivery time
About 2-3 business days for domestic area;
About 3-5 business days for outer islands
About 5-15 business days for foreign areas.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the delivery time limit may be delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, your patience is very much appreciated.

Pre-ordered products:

About 7-21 business days after the order is being placed. The updated time will be listed on each product's page directly.

Customized products:

About 7-10 business days after the order is being placed. Delays might happen when we are overload, and we apologize the inconvenience in advance!

The above order processing and delivery operations are from Monday to Friday, excluding national and weekly holidays. The actual delivery date and logistics delivery operation time shall prevail. You can also enter the "shipment tracking number" provided in the order to the corresponding logistics company to check the delivery status of the package: SF exrpess/POST OFFICE/7-11 E-tracking/EMS

Shipping & Returns

Products in stock:

Products that are in stock will be shipped within 1-3 business days after we receive the order and payment confirmation.

Estimated delivery time
About 2-3 business days for domestic area;
About 3-5 business days for outer islands
About 5-15 business days for foreign areas.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the delivery time limit may be delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, your patience is very much appreciated.

Pre-ordered products:

About 7-21 business days after the order is being placed. The updated time will be listed on each product's page directly.

Customized products:

About 7-10 business days after the order is being placed. Delays might happen when we are overload, and we apologize the inconvenience in advance!

The above order processing and delivery operations are from Monday to Friday, excluding national and weekly holidays. The actual delivery date and logistics delivery operation time shall prevail. You can also enter the "shipment tracking number" provided in the order to the corresponding logistics company to check the delivery status of the package: SF exrpess/POST OFFICE/7-11 E-tracking/EMS

Our Product

Actual product color may vary from the images shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors. We make every effort in providing as accurate information as possible in regard to the product sizing and dimensions. However, Due to manual measurement of the product, the sizing may vary slightly(1-1.5cm). The information on the website is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

Our Product

Actual product color may vary from the images shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors. We make every effort in providing as accurate information as possible in regard to the product sizing and dimensions. However, Due to manual measurement of the product, the sizing may vary slightly(1-1.5cm). The information on the website is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

Giving Back

We donate baubles to local charities and institutes each year!

Giving Back

We donate baubles to local charities and institutes each year!


Our Signature Packaging




Steel Bauble


personalized green glitter bauble

Glass Bauble


6cm / 10cm



Shop Bauble Gift Box

挑選 2、4 或 6 入聖誕禮盒

2 Baubles


4 Baubles


6 Baubles


Our Bauble Story

How it Started

在 Frames of Butter 成立前,我們的共同創辦人手寫每顆聖誕球。

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